[om-list] Subject / Schema Oriented Computing

Mark Butler butlerm at middle.net
Tue Oct 7 16:40:38 EDT 2003

Yes.  My main observation is that the terminology used in object 
oriented modelling (class / object / relation) is completely indequate 
to the task of schema modelling , where a more appropriate terms are 
concept, referent, and belief, respectively. Or in other words, object 
oriented modelling is basically Aristotelean, and as such is relatively 
impoverished in the age of Frege and Wittgenstein, let alone Descartes.

 - Mark

Thomas L. Packer wrote:

>	Sounds related to issues in agent-based AI, or at least in agent 
>modelling of natural language comprehension, generation, and 
>especially dialogue.
>On 2003 October 07 Tuesday 13:41, Mark Butler wrote:
>>Subject / Schema Oriented Computing
>>I am working on subject oriented computing these days.  What
>>is that you say?  Well, the foundation of object oriented
>>modelling is the idea that you need only deal with a single,
>>accurate representation of objective reality.  The language of
>>object oriented modelling is not suited to situations where
>>you have to keep track of what several different parties
>>beleive to be true about the same object, let alone what one
>>party believes another party believes to be true.

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