[om-list] What I feel from your writings

Jean Louis bugs at gnu.support
Mon May 3 20:07:28 EDT 2021

* Luke A. Call <luke350 at onemodel.org> [2021-05-03 23:30]:
> A note to anyone on the list.  This thread is using a style of internet
> conversation that quotes earlier parts of the thread (starting each
> quoted line with a ">", in some email clients represented as a colored
> vertical bar, to provide context for comments, where the depth or number
> of >s or bars indicates the levels of quoting.

That is common to me, I use it last few decades.

> easier to clearly reply to a specific part of the message.  For some
> people and topics it is easier to follow the conversation that way,
> rather than having to scroll down through the history to see what a
> person is referring to (which is known as top-posting, as I'm doing in
> this paragraph). 

I don't find this top-posting, neither difficult if it would be. It is
just introduction.

I think top-posting is if you would write everything ebove the quoted
post, without commenting under specific paragraphs or sentences.

And let us not forget that Wikipedia is not reliable...

> added some CSS earlier to my OM based on someone else's suggestion
> but haven't formed strong opinions about it nor become well informed
> about CSS.  But hopefully will try yours later.  What browser(s) do
> you use, if you don't mind?

I am using Parabola GNU/Linux-libre with Iceweasel browser, which is
free software Firefox, some parts have been taken out. But I use all
kinds of other browser, including Emacs eww, dillo, qutebrowser,
IceCat, elinks on console, Gnome browser, etc.

In general, all pages should be readable in any browser. That is
actually easiest to do with simple pages like OneModel website.

> > I have one good idea how to make PostgreSQL foundation for any kind of
> > relations in the sense of Semantic triplet.
> I think it is unduly limiting to depend on a particular database for the
> sharing features.  The concepts (again...at the site) are more
> important.

I am researching.

For now I cannot start the system, or install it, it is unclear how to
run the software.

$ java -jar onemodel-core-0.2.0-SNAPSHOT.jar 
Picked up _JAVA_OPTIONS: -Dawt.useSystemAAFontSettings=gasp -Djava.io.tmpdir=/home/data1/protected/tmp
Username:                                                                                                                                (... which ends here: |)
Password:                                                                                                                                (... which ends here: |)
Exception in thread "main" org.postgresql.util.PSQLException: FATAL: no pg_hba.conf entry for host "", user "admin", database "om_admin", SSL off

I do not know if the software wants to maybe drop a database? I hope
it is not destructive.

Connect to already designed database? Do I need to insert SQL before
I run it? Or is OneModel software to insert the SQL schemes and

It lacks description at its start.

Yes, I am here because I like the concepts.

In the mean time I have implemented PostgreSQL table that support
semantic triplets as mentioned by Karl Voit:


Implementation of Semantic Triplets in PostgreSQL database

As that follows your principle of fundamental knowledge definition and
what Karl Voit mentioned and many others. Implementation in Emacs Lisp
is not hard as interface already exists. One would choose any table in
the database, thus could be anything already defined, like people,
organizations, invoices, countries, currencies, lands, geographic
positions, and then relate one to each other by using predicates.

John lives at Latitude, Longitude -- this makes sense
John has sister Klara
Klara lives in New York
New York is in USA
Klara has friend Petra
Petra works in Coffee Shop ABC
Coffee Shop ABC is place of work of Petra

I am not sure if I am using predicates in fundamental way any
more. But that is how I would be defining such.

It leans on your principle, and semantic triples.

Not that I have any problem finding the necessary relations in the
database. And I have many various tables:

But normally I will access any information within a second or few
seconds just by using full text search. Among 20000 documents I will
always find or pin point what I need. The full text search indexes
also tags, and rankings, various other relations as well. So I can
search for multiple terms.

If person like Joe, has introduced other 15 people, one click will
tell me. Any SMS conversation related to Joe can be listed out, all
emails are listed on single click. In general finding information
linearly is quite speedy.

Now I am researching the model of OneModel and semantic triples where
various fundamental knowledge pieces may be defined.



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