[om-list] What I feel from your writings

Jean Louis bugs at gnu.support
Tue May 4 15:42:32 EDT 2021

* Luke A. Call <luke350 at onemodel.org> [2021-05-04 21:28]:
> By links from the home page, I mean the text links.  Does it help if you
> ignore the image map and thoroughly explore the text links, one at a
> time?

There are too many vague information pieces:

- INSTALLING file is in web, core, and in main directory, in 2 of them
  it says nothing, in one of them is just partially explaining
  things. Nothing explains what should user do a

- What would this mean "(... which ends here: |)"? Probably length of
  string. But is unclear.

Username:                                                                                                                                (... which ends here: |)

- It is unclear if <username> must be replaced with the system user
  name, or I can make any username there?

- Website is unclear in "Getting started", but also confusing,
  sometimes I click on a link which leads me nowhere but to the
  heading that has same text as the link.

Regarding usage:

- I understand adding classes, relations, etc.

- but system seem to be made only for definition of relations, I do
  not see or cannot find where I would be able to write a full note
  and how. Would then external editor be involved? Or does system
  expect me to write only short notes?


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