Wyoscan (without the Watch)

open-reading-group at o-r-g.com open-reading-group at o-r-g.com
Tue Jul 28 17:18:07 EDT 2015

"Time is like that -- both point AND duration."

Three years ago, Dexter Sinister designed a reverse engineered digital 
wristwatch produced by Halmos. Reading that watch required more attention 
than usual, as the seven segments of each digit lit one by one across the 
display over time.

Now, Wyoscan's temporal logic has left its body behind and is available on 
iTunes as an iOS app for iPhone and iPad (buy now!): 

Wyoscan evolved from Watch Wyoscan 0.5 hz, produced by Halmos 
(http://www.halmos.us.com) and is released by O-R-G 


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