99 Variations on a Proof (launch with violins)

open-reading-group at o-r-g.com open-reading-group at o-r-g.com
Thu Apr 18 14:38:49 EDT 2019

Please come *next* Saturday, April 27 from 2-6 pm to

O-R-G small softwares
38 Ludlow Street, Basement
New York, NY 10002

where mathematician Philip Ording will launch and sign 99 VARIATIONS ON A 
PROOF, just published by Princeton University Press. Limited edition 
silkscreened covers will be available in a spectrum of colors.

Riffing on Raymond Queneau's classic Exercises in Style, 99 VARIATIONS 
explores the possible meanings of style for mathematics — as a science and 
an art — by approaching the solution of a single equation in nearly a 
hundred different ways.

The launch will be punctuated by a repeated violin duet starting at 2 pm. 
The performance by Élise Le Bihan and Lily Kahan constitutes an auditory 
proof. A chromatic proof is attached below. That leaves 97.





(Pre-print courtesy The Serving Library)


Image caption: The two spectra represent the two sides of the equation x^3 
- 6x^2 + 11x - 6 = 2x - 2. At height x the hue on the left is proportional 
to f(x) = x^3 - 6x^2 + 11x - 6 and the hue on the right is proportional to 
g(x) = 2x - 2. A unit corresponds to a difference of 40 degrees in hue. 
The red band (0 degrees) at x = 1 and the blue band (240 degrees) at x = 4 
are the two solutions.

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