[Slowhand] Re: CD's that have been sent to me

Jerry Dunaway jdunaway65 at yahoo.com
Mon Jul 26 11:31:56 EDT 2004

To all who sent me discs in the last few weeks (and those anticipating rr-offers):
I have moved about a week ago, in temporary quarters without a computer (even worse, no CD player, but thank God Nashville has some decent radio stations -- believe it or not, it's NOT all country down here!). The address you sent the discs to is still occupied by my former roommate, and I am assured that they have arrived and are waiting on me. I am going back in a few weeks to get more of my belongings, at which time I will have a computer and get those discs to re-burn and re-offer. 
Just wanted to let you know I am not "slacking" on re-offers, just got kinda sidetracked. As soon as I get settled in, I will reoffer those discs, along with some other tasty morsels I have gotten from other sources.
Thanks for your patience, and if any of you are living in Nashville, drop me a line (jdunaway65 at yahoo.com)... would be nice to meet up with fellow Slowhanders and catch some good shows or find out where the good "hang-outs" are around here.

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