[Slowhand] EC's Between Song Banter ...

deltanick at comcast.net deltanick at comcast.net
Tue Mar 10 12:42:21 EDT 2009

... could fit on the head of a pin. He just doesn't do it, never did, except when he was visibly drunk in the mid-1970s.

This little episode will illustrate:

I attended Cream's Farewell concert at Madison Square Garden, in NY on 2 November 1968. During the concert, my friend pointed out to me that EC was actually tapping his foot in time with the music. I had noticed this myself, before my friend mentioned it. Other than walking onto and off the stage that night, it was the most activity by EC we'd seen. And we'd both seen Cream several times before.

Today, he actually makes faces, walks around, even mimics a step or two of a dance in time with the music. So, what you saw in Australia is as animated as EC gets on stage.

Yes, Eric Clapton has really grown since the 1960s.


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