[StBernard] Entry to parish questions

Westley Annis westley at da-parish.com
Tue Sep 13 22:55:25 EDT 2005

Let me start off by saying that no one knows when we any residents will
be allowed back into St. Bernard Parish to examine their homes, not even
the Council. As they explained yesterday, that depends upon
environmental quality tests done by the EPA and DEQ. Until those two
agencies give the ok, no one is getting in.

Several people have emailed me asking about the area north of Judge
Perez from Murphy Oil to Paris Road. That section was not listed in my
notes about yesterday's meeting because it was not mentioned by any of
the Council members. My take on it is that it is going to take much
longer to get those neighborhoods cleaned up from the oil spill, that we
will most likely be the last ones allowed back in.

Don't take that as authoritive, I'm just giving my opinion.

By the same token, don't take as fact the rumors going around that
Murphy Oil is going to buy all homes within a two mile radius. Until
someone from Murphy comes to you with an offer, it is pure bullshit. My
home is right off the corner of Mumphrey and Missouri., so I'm going
through the same thing as everyone else.

Like Sen. Boasso, President Rodriguez, and the other Council members
said, all we can do is be patient.


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