[StBernard] Flood Insurance Questions

Westley Annis westley at da-parish.com
Sun Oct 2 10:55:26 EDT 2005

I spoke to an Allstate flood insurance adjuster on Saturday. I do
not have Allstate but he needed directions and I figured to question him. He
seems to be taking one glance inside the houses and considering every one
totalled. He believes the insurance company is paying out an amount equal to
the present building costs per square foot. (Which I have not been able to
find out how much that is, and a good point was brought up on nola.com -
building costs at present time would be exhorbitant due to damaged areas and
lack of materials and labor. Will that be considered?)

About contents coverage - he told me you should itemize as best you
can by grouping items. Most things will be depreciated. But it seems as
though it may be as much of a formality as anything since the adjusters do
not much enter the house, and certainly aren't picking through the junk. It
seems they need a list to just document that you have contents to equal
coverage, keeping in mind they won't be giving you full value.

I am now trying to find out what value is given to unusual items
such as photos - is it cost of film and developing? is it cost of
restoration? They certainly haven't gone down in value, the are more
valuable due to the fact they are irreplaceable. What about office supplies?
If I had 10 reams of computer paper, 4 packs of 100 sheet quality photo
paper, etc., how is it valued? It certainly hasn't gone down in value - it's
still new. (At least it was.)

I have so many questions and uncertainties and I see my home is not
in any way fixable and I'm also in the oil spill area (which it seems the
topic has dropped off of radar by our parish officials). I was starting to
look at houses to buy, even if to live in one until St. Bernard truly is
rebuilt and open. But now I am upset about the slowness of settlements on
flood insurance and the uncertainty as to whether they'll try to beat me out
on my covered amounts. It's not money in the bank until something is agreed
upon. And to make everything much worse - we're like lost sheep and our
shepherds have flown the coop. There is no official daily statements or
means of communication from parish officials. I'm sure they are busy, but so
am I and they are responsible for the well being of their constituents.
While FEMA is sending out checks to pay for things in the parish and Murphy
donating (hush?) money, could some of that be spent on a communications
specialist that can give dail y radio, television, and internet reports. I
guess then we'll have a problem with what they can report. I don't need to
know how much Junior lost or how bad off everyone is. I want to know about
legalities of insurance claims and how much we can count on to get out of
our own paid policies, coverage, rebuilding, plans for demolition, reopening
of businesses, better traffic control to avoid 2-4 hours to get into the
parish from Slidell, availablility of trailers, locations for trailers, loan
information SBA loans have to be filed for by Oct. 28 - how can you now
whether you are eligible for losses above insurance if you can't find out
how much they are paying out.

The parish needs to provide an outlet for the peoples' frustrations
by at least keeping in touch with everyone. Why not find a way to organize a
website where a new temporary phone book can be set up with temporary
numbers and addresses for all residents and businesses. At least it would
provide a feeling of progress - that something is being attempted.

Getting electrical service to my house is not a priority when it
obviously will be bulldozed.

Thank you very much for listening. I think the leaders are remiss in
understanding the people need to have SOMEONE to speak to to care about all
these issues. If not for you and nola.com where would any of us be?????

Dean Sergi

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