[StBernard] Trailer parks

wannis at da-parish.com wannis at da-parish.com
Fri Oct 21 12:26:31 EDT 2005

---------------------------- Original Message ----------------------------
Subject: Re: [StBernard] Trailer parks
From: "John Scurich" <scurich at bellsouth.net>
Date: Wed, October 19, 2005 9:57 pm
To: stbernardnews-reply at da-parish.com

Rob, what I am about to say is not in regards to you, but it is intended
toward FEMA. I feel all of the present trailer owners who resided in your
trailer park prior to Katrina should be given "first dibbs" on getting a
FEMA trailer in place of the one they lost. After all, they already have a
space and hook-ups for it. It doesn't make sense to let someone else come
in with a FEMA trailer when your displaced tenants might want their old spot
back. I realize it's probably FEMA calling the shots here, but I would
think if your old tenants wanted to, they should have some sort of legal
right to it - that is if they qualified for a FEMA trailer, but I can't see
why they wouldn't if they were already living in a trailer.

However, I do realize my thinking is "common sense" which is usually scarce
or non existent when it comes to the federal government.

- John Scurich

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