[StBernard] My Children - Charlie Deubler, Jr

Westley Annis westley at da-parish.com
Fri Oct 21 17:03:09 EDT 2005

My youngest daughter, Michelle phoned me yesterday evening and informed
me (three weeks later) that her sister was with her mother and her
step-father safe in Picayune, MS living in their travel trailer. For
those of you who know my children or me, I know now they are safe, are
attending school and moving forward with their lives. I have empathy
toward them, as I know how hard it must be for the family of five plus
animals to stay in such cramped quarters after losing two homes to the
storm, but then again, there are families in worst places right now. I
am glad for the phone call and did get to speak to both daughters and
will resume visitation today.

Leaving Hammond for Picayune and driving through the forces of
post-Katrina traffic to arrive to the exchange site, is going to be
hectic. Especially since I do not get off work until 4 PM.

It boggles me as to why it took so long and there were people telling me
they heard they were in Mississippi, but it was never confirmed.

For those of you from Support Services and others who cared enough to
send messages, call, and let me know what you heard, I thank you and you
are in my prayers. Even though my youngest one will spend time and the
oldest one does not want to at this time, I know that partial prayers
are answered. Please keep us in your prayers.

Have a great weekend for those of you who are settled, and I hope that
those who are not, will experience some positives this weekend.

Charlie Deubler, Jr
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