[StBernard] The Vultures Attack

Westley Annis westley at da-parish.com
Mon Oct 31 07:15:48 EST 2005

Fellow St. Bernardians,

I am very pleased to hear from so many of you during this
unprecedented challenge of ours. I'm one of the lucky ones, away from it
all in a deployment to support Operation Iraqi Freedom. The spirit and
confidence of everyone are surely dampened but not extinguished!

One example is the beautiful family of the Montalbanos who live in
Jumonville (hope I spelled it right). They have been scattered throughout
southeast U.S., as most of us, trying to figure out work, school and home.
Well, they are now going to be reunited again in Harahan. I hope and pray
this is a temporary stay and they get their butts back to St. Bernard where
they belong! It is families like them who will lead the charge to order and
stability in our beloved Parish.

We must stay the course and not be distracted by setbacks. Our
leaders, especially the local team, are working incredibly hard to get us
through this. As they say, "The brightest sun is preceded by the darkest
cloud!" Godspeed to all.

Very respectfully,

PS - Mr. Westley, thank you so very much for this incredible service of
communication. This is my most accurate connection to the happenings and
attitudes of the lovely folks from my hometown - St. Bernard!

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