[StBernard] Murphy Oil Question

Westley Annis westley at da-parish.com
Mon Oct 31 18:54:40 EST 2005

Ditto here...they lost my parents' name in the shuffle too, and my Mom had
to give them all her info for a second time.

Everyone just remember with all of this stuff to be persistant and don't
wait for someone to call you...that goes for FEMA, insurance companies, and
Murphy Oil/Crawford and Co., contractors and anyone else you need to depend
on to get something done. Make a phone list, call your numbers once a week,
and document the time and date. Be persistent, and try not to get
frustrated. With soooo many people in the same situation you can
inadvertantly get lost in the shuffle.

Best of luck to everyone, and if anybody actually has a positive story
regarding progress with any of these entities please share them. We can all
use some hope that eventually we will all get acknowledged and helped.



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