Westley Annis westley at da-parish.com
Mon Nov 7 21:56:36 EST 2005

In regards to your inquiry below; (I apologize if someone beat me to the
punch and responded)
You definitely have additional protection if you have an FHA/VA/Fannie
Mae/ Freddie Mac loan. This information was previously provided to
Westley and posted on this forum. This includes not reporting to credit
I will be more than happy to discuss further with you at 1800-852-8306
ext. 1392
Even if you have a straight out loan as I've posted before the banks do
not want to foreclose on you. My best advice is to contact them directly
and discuss your situation - they will assist you and work with you.
If you are not sure who to call then please send me a direct email with
the name of your mortgage company and I should be able to direct you
Thank you


Can someone answer a question for me-

Is there a protection on mortgages as a result of natural disaster? (Can
they forclose while waiting for insurance? If they do, how does it
your credit?


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