[StBernard] just a thought....

Westley Annis westley at da-parish.com
Sun Nov 27 13:17:28 EST 2005

St. Bernard has enjoyed some really good press from NBC concerning the
opening of the schools, let's use it to keep the rebuilding going. Approach
major companies for "direct donations" to the parish through salvation
army/red cross/etc. Up here in my frozen hell, I have brokered a number of
"direct donations". The donator can specify who or what it wants to donate
and to whom. As a result, a couple of companies were able to donate $1000 to
my family and received the credit for taxes. The family smiled for a few
pictures and received a check- the baby helped a lot for press purposes. I
went to school to do this for nonprofits, who would have thought I'd need it
for myself. I figure we can develop a, I think it's called a 504 non profit
(I'm rusty, been out of the books for a while, and lost all my research at
home) where we could get companies to "donate" building materials, money,
etc that could be distributed to those in the parish. I say to hell with
FEMA, the government, etc...no one helped us to save our neighbors and
friends, no one helped us to open our schools, why wait now. We can be the
red headed step child to New Orleans, but we could show the country how it's
done. I personally volunteer myself, services, etc in contacting Owens
Corning for insulation, National Gypsum for sheetrock (my Aunt a St. Bernard
resident retired from there) and materials, wood companies for wood,
plumbing, electrical (I would be spening a lot of time at home depot getting
distributors names)...whatever. The parish- with Craig's help (notice how I
volunteered him there) could set up distribution of said items to home
owners. Now will we be able to help everyone- of course not, but if, for
instance, we could get people who applied 30 sheets of plywood and
sheetrock. I know many of you are thing big deal. It is in that it could be
2-3 rooms finished in there home so that they could return. It might not be
the whole house, but some is better then none and then you're not in a
cramped trailer. It may sound far fetched I know, but what does it hurt to
try. When I approached these businesses, I knew all they could say is no.
Hell we get "no help" everyday, this should be easy...any takers?

Just a note on computer s for everyone-Where I am, there are a lot less
people in need, however, my local Walmart allowed me to buy this computer at
cost-an emachine regularly $550 for $350.00. I had to show my FEMA papers
and they have assisted with other big ticket items as well. I know in more
populated areas this may be hard, however, maybe Craig or Westley
(volunteered again)could broker a deal with Bestbuy/walmart/compusa etc...on
helping to get people some basic computers to help- could maybe even set
some up in the parish for those now there. I know many of you are thinking
it would be better used with lowes or homedepot, but I have found that this
computer has saved me endless hours of waiting because I now have instant
response from insurance. I can look up necessary info to contact higher ups
when my insurance didn't help, etc. If not with retailers, maybe with Dell.
The state already has a contract with Dell for computers. However, HP or
emachines or even Dell might enjoy the PR it would receive if we could
compile a list AND getting a few for the new school would be good.

Freezing in a foot of snow,

Wendy Hall

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