[StBernard] Murphy Oil Debris Removal

Westley Annis westley at da-parish.com
Thu Dec 1 19:25:09 EST 2005

My thoughts EXACTLY, Steve. The other day I passed by my house to sit in the
front to reminisce and cry...and I stopped to talk to my neighbor while he
was gutting his house...well I explained to him that I'm not sure if it is
safe for us to start gutting if they stopped the debris removal for it being
too contaminated. That put a red flag up in my head that it is too
contaminated for me to expose myself and family too to start gutting it out.
I have my kids (14 yr old and 5 month old) to think about. I just keep
thinking of the Erin Brockovich movie...and the longer we get NO answers
from Murphy, EPA, DEQ, etc...the longer I feel it is not safe to move my
family back there. WE NEED ANSWERS!

Heather C. LaBauve
Notarial Assistant

Favret Title Agency
70439 Courtano Drive
Covington, LA 70433-5277
Ph. (985)867-5294
Fax (985)867-5293

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