[StBernard] Murphy oil spill

Westley Annis westley at da-parish.com
Thu Dec 1 19:50:00 EST 2005


Nothing gets a company's attention than hitting their bottom line...stop
the gas out, then the money doesn't come in. Wish I could join and
participate, however, I am in Maine and won't be down until (hopefully)
January. If you could get the news, it'll be a hundred times better...open
with "This small community was just being good neighbors and helping out one
another, anything to try and rebuild after Katrina. That's what the citizens
of St. Bernard did when they delivered the trash that Murphy and it's
officials said that they were going to pick up and have yet to do. After
weeks of waiting, St. Bernard residents saw that Murphy and it's officials
were having trouble deciding how to get all of the trash. So, in their
typical fashion, St. Bernard residents lent a hand and brought the trash to
them..." What do you think? Think that would play well on the Nightly
news with Brian Williams? Glad I could help foster some "positive" and
"proactive" solutions in such a desperate time.

Wendy Hall

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