[StBernard] Donations...

Westley Annis westley at da-parish.com
Tue Dec 6 08:24:42 EST 2005

Okay Craig,

I started email tonight, nine to be exact to major companys for big time
donations- nothing small and will keep plugging along as I find
distributors- anyone have any company's to suggest, hell they can only tell
us no or not give us alot.
I have one question Craig, I was told by FEMA to not even bring my
daughter- the newborn- back into the parish for 1 year because of the mold
levels, where can I find the current rating. 2nd, I'll be in the parish in a
couple of weeks- I hope- is it possible to get help emptying my home of "the
big stuff" as I will see if there is anything else left that has not been
looted. Hope I haven't added to your hell with the donation thing.


Wendy Hall

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