[StBernard] American Nightmare

Westley Annis westley at da-parish.com
Sun Dec 11 10:26:40 EST 2005

I agree 100%. The have nots are making out better than the have's (or so it



I just got to the bottom of the labyrinth of injustices I hav e only
heard of
throughout my life, in fightng "city hall" and its all true. I could
a lifetime talking to 50 different people a day from FEMA and get a
different answer everytime. What I have gleamed is that as an
tax-paying citizen, trying to do everything right, even donate to
Tsunami fund, because I am "overqualified", cannot get a dime or a
from FEMA. All my neighbors on welfare are gleefully spending their
and getting it on at the casinos and have not only one but two
trailers to
accomodate their unemployed relatives, on a piece of land that will
bull-dozed. All we need is maybe 10,000 to reinstall heat and air
appliances and we can do the rest ourself. We have gotten no
trailer, and
only told we can have a loan at the tune of 760.00 a month on top of
mortgage of 813.00 and new truck payment of 450.00 and the 400.00 a
month in
gas it is costing my husband to drive to N.O. to work. I am gett ing
feeling that its better to be a have-not and stand in line for
because living the "American Dream" has just become the "American
Thanks for listening, Msmudpie of Saint Bernard

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