[StBernard] Project Reconnection

Westley Annis westley at da-parish.com
Wed Dec 14 15:59:56 EST 2005


while you & I can totally relate -- what I think the St. Bernard residents
need to grasp is that we must STILL MOVE ON & make FORWARD progress with
Projects in the parish while the Levee/Feds things works itself out.

And it will work itself out. We can't lose months sitting on our hands,
WAITING for the Levee Thing.

But there are people out there that do want to WAIT. Fine, no problem,
nothing against them. They can come to the parish later & we'll welcome them
with open arms, because we will need people coming back for years to come.

But those are not the people we need in the parish right now. What we are
looking for right now are St. Bernard Pioneers that are comin' back come
hell or high water. Hearty people that will "work a day on a weekend & see
their old neighbors & RECONNECT". The reconnection with each other is more
important than even the work.

Every "place you live" has issues & dangers & risks. Matter of fact, LIFE
is so risky - none of us are going to get out alive.

Let's move forward.

Marvin.LeBlanc.cdia at statefarm.com

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