[StBernard] Setting Deadlines in St. Bernard Parish

Westley Annis westley at da-parish.com
Thu Dec 29 08:56:43 EST 2005

Please listen to Ron Chapman in his article this week. This proves that my
logic is not alone in thought about the direction of St. Bernard Parish.
Granted the new date is now March 31st, but to displaced people who have
lost everything, don't even know where the money will come from to travel
back to the parish, etc..

I don't believe this was taken into consideration in the hasteness of the
government's anxiousness to hurry up the parish back to pre-katrina days..
The truth is, it's not likely to happen in a few weeks or months, but years.
It has always been this writer's viewpoint that if folks come in all
different colors and social-economic strata/status, consideration should be
rendered to include the not-so-well-to-do in the planning. So, here's what
Ron says in his evalucation of the way push-comes-to-shove in planning...


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