[StBernard] Governor Kathleen Babineaux Blanco sets dates for special session

Westley Annis westley at da-parish.com
Wed Jan 11 19:28:24 EST 2006

Statement from Governor Kathleen Babineaux Blanco

Dates set for special session

"In order to keep Louisiana's recovery moving forward, I will call the
Legislature into special session on February 6. During the twelve-day
session, I will put forth a focused agenda that will accelerate our

"We must consolidate our levee boards and this will be the centerpiece
legislation for this session.

"The times require strong action to secure our state's successes.

"From reopening the I-10 "Twin Span" and taking over troubled New Orleans
schools to passing the state's first building code and the state's first
uniform coastal protection authority, we've had many successes in this

"I am confident that this special session will continue our string of
successes by ! protecting the families and businesses rebuilding in the
hurricane zone.

"The Special Session is scheduled to run from February 6 until no later than
February 17.

"Other items under consideration include: housing, limited insurance and
election issues, and consolidating some portions of Orleans parish

"An official call will be issued on January 31."


The Louisiana Disaster Recovery Foundation
Louisiana's Fund for Louisiana's People

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