[StBernard] Whoa: Happy Gutting.

Westley Annis westley at da-parish.com
Thu Jan 12 21:50:06 EST 2006

I am tickled how many are planning to gut their houses. I am pleased each
time I see progress in our parish.

Since so many asked to be put on the list, I might as well post the info
right here, as I wont be online for a few days (moving again).

This is the pasted post from Craig
<<The office of community is the office to go through. You can download the
form from the internet and mail it in at 8201 W. Judge Perez Dr. Chalmette,
LA 70043 You can try calling at 278-4310, but it is difficult to get


Here is another source I used, but it may be slow as they rely on volunteers
to spend their vacation down here to do this. Good folks.

LDR - Lutheran Disaster Response is taking work order requests.
They have four sites I know of,
-Hosanna Lutheran Mandeville
-Lamb of God Lutheran Slidell
-Atonement Lutheran Metairie
-Christ the King Lutheran Kenner (working on setting up)
They all have request forms to fill out and hand in or you can mail them.
(faster to personally hand them back I find)
Mailing and physical address:
Lutheran Disaster Response
8765 West Higgins Road
Chicago, IL 60631

LDR website is here at ldr.org
Lutheran Disaster Response - LDR <http://www.ldr.org/>

Those who sent me their info, I will compile a list and forward it to one of
the coordinating pastors, they can hash it out to schedule the addresses
when they have groups coming down. LDR has a long term commitment to our
area and the camps will stay for a long while. On the north shore they are
already helping hang sheetrock etc. They are in it for the long haul. In
addition, Thrivent Financial for Lutherans joined with Habitat for Humanity
to build homes. You do NOT have to be Lutheran to be helped. Once Gethsemane
is functioning, we will have contact info there as well with forms, etc, and
hopefully a coffee stand.

Happy Gutting.


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