[StBernard] Chocolate City

Westley Annis westley at da-parish.com
Wed Jan 18 08:11:11 EST 2006

I think that Nagin has lost his mind. He did win with the black votes in
the election. Does the nation realize that the blacks in New Orleans did
not support the city but drained it of all that was good there. They live
off the system thinking it is their right to be on welfare because of slave
days. They live in projects collecting SSI money, food stamps, and welfare
and deal drugs. Why would anyone want them back in their city? Cities
where these people fled to after the hurricane do not want them any longer
because they contribute nothing positive to society.
The reason St. Bernard Parish is not getting the help and recognition it
needs is because we were not predominately black. We were hard working,
support ourselves white people and so we are forgotten about because we are
hard working. The nation wants to just help the blacks. Haven't they
received enough help from welfare.
I am living in Baton Rouge and one day on the front page on The Advocate
(the newspaper here) there was a picture of 3 very able bodied black people
who were complaining about being moved from hotel to hotel due to FEMA with
the hotel issue. Go out and get a job and find yourselves a place to live!

Quit living off the system!!
Nagin knows that a re-election is coming up and he is trying to appeal to
everyone but give me a break. I like the idea of Junior going on T.V. and
calling St. Bernard a white chocolate community.
Has anyone contacted the ACLU on this issue? They want to rant and rave
whenever something is said about the blacks...well what about the hard
working white people that support the blacks?


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