[StBernard] Baker Plan in Flux

Westley Annis westley at da-parish.com
Wed Jan 18 22:20:47 EST 2006

"For some strange reason this part of my message did not go through:
I for one do not want any more than I had before the storm...that is a
furnished home paid for...whether or not it is in SB...or
elsewhere....note...re-building the old or building new...the cost has gone
through the roof...my husband and I worked very hard ...as so many people
did to pay off our home...many of my friends were just a few short years
away in paying their mortgages off...we are not asking to make a
fortune...however, some people are doing just that...making quite a killing
because of people needing a home...basking in other people's misery....as
they say this is capitalism...so...all I want is what I had pre-Katrina...I
am not asking for a hand out...my property is worth more than
10,000-17,000...I will not give it away....CHingle "

**Oh, how true, I could weep a bucketful envisioning a "Katrina
Carpetbagger" riding up in a buckboard (wagon), driven by two horses and
buggywhip, mustached, and tall hat (ala Gone-with-da-wind)..

..and taking my property likewise. I suppose I'm so passionate that an
injustice of ignoring my blood-sweat-and-tear journey of 30 year's payment
would lead to a "land-rape", complete with insult, then injury--emotionally.
I don't know if I'd get busted for arson rather than watch someone violate
my homestead in such a manner as multiple thousands did many years ago
during a depression that saw these unfortunates lose their homestead from
having it taken away for non-payment. Today, many would be foreclosed,
seized, then practically given away for a few dollars upfront OR to the
scavengers who tend to make many times over in profiteering at the cost of
the blood lost from our bodies. I pray it won't happen to us on a grand
scale if we do not get the grand relief we need to recover.


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