[StBernard] Baker Plan

Westley Annis westley at da-parish.com
Mon Jan 23 22:48:03 EST 2006

original message- no flood insurance on mehle.

thanks for all the help, and suggestions,
first of all, i was not trying to exclude anyone with insurance, if
anyone took it that way, i'm sorry, really sorry...i meant all of us, st.
bernard , we're in this together, i wrote that after reading that antone who
gets help from the baker bil, and fema are getting too much, that's why i
felt it necessary to tell you guys my story, to let all know, its not a
handout to everyone, and the reason for mentioning my ex-husband, was his
medical problems, were gulf war syndrome, but he's no help to his
daughter,not financially, or otherwise, i onlly mentioned it because she's
the daughter of a vet.,she as we all do deserve help.
second someone mentioned a grant, i was told that the $15,000 from
fema was my grant.......
thanks for any and all help
missing mehle

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