[StBernard] Request for Information

Westley Annis westley at da-parish.com
Mon Jan 23 23:02:30 EST 2006

Bob and Jer.:

Thanks, but it is not a transformer. I spent six hours today speaking to
Entergy's Customer Service and Technical Service Departmetns, FEMA, the
trailer "repair" service (I figured if the electricity isn't working, then
it is in need of repair), and finally, the rep from FLEUR that I had been
dealing with. He wasn't sure what "the box" was either, but he is going to
meet my electrician and they are going to run an outlet from my new meter
panal along the exterior of the house, in temporary pipe. At least this way
we will be able to connect the trailer, without having any impact to the

It's been over a month since the trailer was delivered and ready except for
electricity, but hopefully this approach will accomplish the objective.

Thanks to both of you, Westley, and Craig for the input.


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