[StBernard] Stinky/mud stained clothes

Westley Annis westley at da-parish.com
Wed Jan 25 20:19:23 EST 2006

All: I'm not in criticism of any good tips about cleaning, but curious as to
why most stuff that is worn, eaten from, or in contact with the body is put
to the test of cleaning for recovery? So, many I've spoken has been repulsed
by the concept of the nasty clothes, dishes, etc.. That has been underwater
for a week or so.

Am I wrong to think I should find it repulsive to clean a plate, shirt,
tablecloth, whatever that has been submerged in lots of toxicities such as
malathian, ant/termite killers, refinery oil, and whatever from sheds
floating into homes onto skin, etc..? Or am I being paranoidal turned off by
the thought of where it's been, not realizing consequence? Perhaps, I'm
being too overly cautious after seeing the home, hearing news of folks,
etc..? Am I alone or wrong?

Thanks for comments, as there are so many leather coats, china, ..you name
it that has been exposed and I'm befuddled as to what others feel after
going through such a storm lost possessions. A storm that has modified so
many lives in but a few hours...


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