[StBernard] Rebuilding and Recovery

Westley Annis westley at da-parish.com
Mon Jan 30 20:32:29 EST 2006

Isn't this something? Senators, etc. are in a committee trying to find out
who is to blame, when victims are struggling to survive??

It's like a victim drowning while lifeguards are on the shore auguing over
who was supposed to go out and rescue the drowning victim???

Where's the sense to all this madness??? Trying to find out who is to blame
when a million people are hopelessly in pensiveness determining where
they'll have live or eat, how they're going to pay the bills? If they will
need to "take their lives or not in another maddening, desperate motion??

Incredible senseless situation. The "haves" ignoring the "have-nots" should
be ashamed..!


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