[StBernard] FEMA Trailers

Westley Annis westley at da-parish.com
Sun Feb 12 12:03:18 EST 2006

I hope that this story (11,000 thousand trailers just sitting in Arkansas)
doesn't die off as a 1 or 2 day story and that enough people complain to
have someone get results and get these trailers that are paid for into the
areas where people so desperately need them.

Forward this message to the governor the president and to state

When you forward it, ask them why (I know this for a fact) FEMA personnel
are staying at the Royal Sonesta and Marriott while displaced residents are
living (if they are lucky) in trailers. This is an insult to one who has
NEVER once been called by FEMA and should be an insult to everyone affected.
Do you know that these people have 6 or 8 government complexes where they
can eat. These places are not by any means open to the public.

What's wrong with that picture. Put them out of these expensive hotels at
the end of the month and stick them in a trailer waiting on an electrical
hookup. Let them eat Red Cross meals and/or MREs.


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