[StBernard] Mardi Gras Revelry - Looting

Westley Annis westley at da-parish.com
Sat Feb 18 22:41:17 EST 2006

"thanks for the words of encouragement... if they want my trashed
possessions..let them have it... if they want to burn it to the ground, it
will save me the time and energy of cleaning it out., thanks"

***Oooh,,..if it were only that easy. Some still have possessions, whether
it be a shovel or a second story, perhaps even a travel trailer or business.

The point: "While the cat's away...da mouse will play. We do not deserve
being looted, violated, and left property-less by bottom feeders who wave
their red flags in the face of authority whose salaries are paid by
taxpayers. Even now, the criminals believe there is gold in the rubble.
Perhaps they feel that 90% of the population have left it to them as our
deceased will it to their survivors. In my case, what is left is not golden,
but it's mine, whether destroyed or not until I tote it to the curb.

Why haven't the law/parish placed large signs, billboards and patrols around
to curb? Of course, some "pros" will ignore it, but then without these, what
chances do we have to keep them out of OUR ruins, or OUR trailers, OR
whatever is left to OUR descretion. It's a big deal to me. I believe others
do care if someone is walking around THEIR home without permission. I plan
on being back in the home tomorrow. If I catch anyone in it, their ancestors
will meet with them instantly!

I don't plan on attending parades. I'm not that happy or willing to forget
that easy about Katrina. I'm still fighting the good fight, so forgetting is
not in my best interest while I'm still "wading in da water!" from Katrina.
It will take time. As long as I breath, I have time. So as an angry young
white man, who is being ignored by the powers I declare. "Stay outta da
way."..walk with me, or move aside--as I'm bridging da gap!


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