[StBernard] Mardi Gras Revelry - Looting

Westley Annis westley at da-parish.com
Sun Feb 19 09:51:02 EST 2006

"Jer. what makes tomorrow any different from any other day of the week. I
only come to my house on weekends and that is if I come. So any day of the
week my house can be looted. I 'm sure a lot of people are doing this. So if
you have time come to our parade scream loud and I'm sure you will catch a
lot of beads and if you ask nicely you might even be one of the lucky one's
to get a Knights of Nemesis tee shirt. We will be throwing over 3000 shirts
tomorrow. By the way I won't give my name so I can protect my treasures. Oh
I for got Katrina got all my treasures!! Happy Mardi Gras --Wayne Garitty"

**Wayne, unfortunitly, my treasures seem to be what's left, whether it be a
rusted thimble, tool or water-soured piece of embroidry soaked in LA
swampwater. On this side of the fence, I plan on screaming alone, as I have
for 6 months. A parade seems to drown out the moans and groans that
reverberate from a once proud voice. Enjoy the parade, though. I suppose I
cannot sincerely enjoy such once again until I'm made proud again with
independence and security -- That which so many of us have lost along with
our "innocence" that was so violently wrestled away by Katrina. T-shirts I
don't need just yet. I've a ton of trashed ones outside my bedroom window.


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