[StBernard] Florida Ave Project - Technloogy within..

Westley Annis westley at da-parish.com
Tue Mar 21 19:20:38 EST 2006

"What's the next issue to come out? I agree with everyone on this posting
that without your time and efforts to inform us we would be in the dark. But
pardon the punn, one monkey don't make no show and you can't do this alone.
It's no wonder that your BP is elevated. --jd"

**Knowing Craig, he's probably volunteered the "communications" portion of
alerting the parish electronically/technology as he is in all sense of the
word "more tech-savvy" than the rest. Probably why you don't hear as much
from them along with "too many chefs in the kitchen" syndrome.

I can attest to it and I give one example on the technical side. I asked JR
a few queries a couple of years ago before his election: "JR, why don't you
have a cell phone, laptop, (technology)etc.?" He replied, "Why do I need
those new-fangled contraptions <paraphrased>? I can get done all I need in
other ways."

Yes, he probably thought that he was too old to have a computer or
technology. The other council members are not much far behind this (JR), and
being Craig is so far ahead of the pack almost qualifies him for on-line
communications to us, aside being he's probably most intelligent par the
course. If Craig stays "clean" during this process, we'll hear more good
things from him. If he doesn't (and the dirt I hear is starting to fly, if
even as rumors"<G>), then he also will be heard from again in the future.

Good luck to anyone who can offer tidbits of dialog, whether it be to voice
public opinion or to offer their 2 cents in regards to recovery - in St.
Bernard or elsewhere. As to the monkeys (smile)...it's anyone's guess as to
who the zookeeper is these days...(grin)..


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