[StBernard] Why St. Bernard Elected Jr. and Stephens

Westley Annis westley at da-parish.com
Wed Apr 5 00:18:50 EDT 2006

Since there are a lot of people who are new to my list, let me tell you that
it has been around since December 1998, although messages were never quite
as numerous as they are today (previous high count before Katrina was 24
messages for the entire month of November 2003).

Besides the fact that I have a copy of everyone of those messages, they are
also available on Yahoo's web site. I'm going to point you to some of the
different comments made by myself and others regarding the candidates for
the last election. You are then free to read them on your own, if you wish,
and understand why the elections turned out as they did.

http://tinyurl.com/qu965 - The opening salvo
http://tinyurl.com/mkv7s - The official list of candidates
http://tinyurl.com/o3oyo - First sign of trouble with Wolfe
http://tinyurl.com/m35fv - Times-Picayune Endorsements
http://tinyurl.com/m5cra - Remember the "Ask Scott" ad?
http://tinyurl.com/l9lwp - Paul Perez Comments on Scott Wolfe


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