[StBernard] The Prediction

Westley Annis westley at da-parish.com
Thu Apr 6 21:00:54 EDT 2006

Note: Forecasts from Colorado State in April 2005 and April 2006; a major
hurricane is category 3 or above

Last year's hurricane season blew away the predictions. But with the start
of the 2006 season less than two months away, here's what a leading
forecaster from Colorado State University says:
. This season will be busy, but not as intense as last year.
. There's a 81 percent chance a major hurricane could hit along the U.S.
coast and a 64 percent chance one could hit the East Coast.
. The still-recovering Gulf Coast could be hit again -- there's a 47 percent
chance of a major hurricane striking there.

Let's hope we're spared this time. I hope FEMA learned a cruel lesson from
Katrina and will prepared for this.


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