[StBernard] Middle/Upper Income may be out of Grant Money process

Westley Annis westley at da-parish.com
Fri Apr 7 16:32:10 EDT 2006

Who do they think is the taxpaying base? What happened to helping those that
help themselves? What incentive is that to keep rebuilding with money out of
our own pockets; I was hoping for a little compensation after all we've been
through, expended and done already. I really hope this isn't true. This is
one schizophrenic government or they are trying to make us that way. Mudpie

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Oh boy, here we go, the poor and underprivileged to get the
rebuilding money
only? What a slap in the face.

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>From WWL-TV's website and Lord let's hope it doesn't come to this.

Middle and upper income homeowners could be left out of grant money
if State
doesn't get more from Congress

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