[StBernard] Kitchenware Giveaway

Westley Annis westley at da-parish.com
Sun Apr 9 23:41:56 EDT 2006

I went to the giveaway. I thought it was a great thing for St. Bernard.
People care enough to help us I think we should be grateful. If you don't
want the free stuff, then just don't go get it. Don't put down the people
who are donating their time to give it away or the people in line receiving
it. Some of us in St. Bernard appreciate whatever we can get. They did
take our drivers license but I think they put something in the computer so
that people could not go back for more. I think that was a great idea. We
don't need to be greedy, we need to take only what we can use and save some
for everyone else that needs it. If I don't need something I tell the
volunteers thanks, but I can't use it or don't need it at this time and they
really appreciate it.

Thanks to everyone who helped make Saturday a success.


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