[StBernard] Advertising on the Westley site

Westley Annis westley at da-parish.com
Sun Apr 23 10:00:36 EDT 2006

"Westley -- You have provided an invaluable resource since the storm. And,
now, nearly eight months later, we are still clammoring for information to
help us heal.
I cannot imagine how lost we would be had you not stepped up or had this
happened to us in a time and place where our technology would be less
advanced. I know this is costing you money and time to put this in place
for us. I have seen people advance you money towards the cause which is
quite admirable. I would like to suggest regular sustained advertising on
your site to help keep it free and ongoing. All returning businesses, I
believe, would also appreciate the opportunity to let people know they have
returned to help reward them for their struggle. I know the St. Bernard
Voice is still the "Official Journal" of St. Bernard, but your site comes
real close. Thanks for all that you have done for us, Westley, and let us
know if we can help offset the costs by adverttising. Thank you. Dan
Johnson, CPA"

**A moment to reflect, Dan.

Are you saying that you suggest WESTLEY advertises his business or accepts
advertising of others because the site has become an essential to our
existance (beyond what the parish website is supposed to do)?

Yes, Westley is doing an exceptional job of posting for us. For those who
can afford, it's quite ok that Westley should be in a position to accept
"donations" which can help him defray his cost towards site hosting, etc.

Do we want to run additional ads to an already great medium for
dissemination of valuable info? I suppose that it IS great because of the
lack of waddling through others' enterprises. Each day, there are countless
e-mail that gets one sick to wade through uninteresting ads as in a 33%
magazine makeup. If each person could give but $2 a month, it would be quite
a boom towards things. Even Westley could not honestly tell you how long
this popularity would continue during recovery (perhaps a year, perhaps
more). If Westley had to accept advertising, an attached "advertisment"
column without mandatory opening, would be an advantage to the reading many
<g>...It's mostly the reason why so many have gotten away from broadcast TV
and toward cable (especially when outside ads are eliminated). To get away
from forced regurgitation.


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