[StBernard] Trash Pick up Trucks

Westley Annis westley at da-parish.com
Wed May 10 22:14:55 EDT 2006

W. Jacob,

Thanks for your point of interest and concern. If a truck is hauling for
the parish under its contractor or sub, it has insurance as a mandate of the
requirements. The truck should have a license plate and it should be
stickered. Sorry about your close call, I am glad you were safe- we have
alerted the sheriff's department and they have stopped many trucks in the
way they sometimes drive. Please do not hesitate to send me a license plate
or identification of a truck as I will be glad to track it down for you.

Good luck and God Bless,

-----Original Message-----


Just Monday I was returning home from work riding into the parish on
Paris Rd while passing a Trash Truck that had just left the Dump when he
suddenly came into my lane and forced me off the road. I sat on the horn and
got his attention. Thank Goodness I had no damage or injuries I chaulked it
up to a near miss. I did noticed that he had no license plate on the truck
and no Identification on the side except a paper sticker with a number and
the trucks capacity. This got me wondering had this guy hit me does he carry
insurance? Are these vehicles/trucks required to carry proper Reqistration
and proper insurance Brake tags etc. while conducting services in our
Parish. If so who's responsibility is it to check and certify these trucks
to make sure they are in compliance. After what happened Monday I started
paying attention to the Trash Trucks riding around (flying around) the
Parish and noticed not one of them that I seen had a license plate. If
someone was to have a collision with one of these trucks and God forbid get
injured or killed and the Truck was not insured would URG be held
responsible since they hired his services. Or worst yet the Parish, because
they hired URG. I just hope someone is controlling and regulating these
truck owners. I'd hate to see the Parish Government have to pay some law
suit because someone let these guys run around without insurance. I've lived
in the parish for 25 yrs and love it here and will live here long into the
future and want to see us move forward and in the right direction.

Just a concerned resident,
W Jacob

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