[StBernard] FEMA

Westley Annis westley at da-parish.com
Wed May 17 10:05:01 EDT 2006


I will push the debris issue on Buffon.

Good luck and God Bless,

-----Original Message-----

We have been here in the trailer since Nov. they came out in the spring and
insulated our water hose (thank god now it won't freeze) they added a non
slip surface to our wooden steps (read: they nailed down shingles with about
60 nails each and we tracked little sharp shingle rocks into the trailer for
weeks but they used so many nails it was useless to pull them up) and they
added a p trap to our trailer plumbing so now it causes massive gurgles and
a boiling over effect in the toilet when you drain the tub or sink.

Thanks FEMA

Also I still have the impromptu dump next door on Buffon Street HELP No
Debris Pick up in the 3100 block!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


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