[StBernard] New Orleans Mayoral Election

Westley Annis westley at da-parish.com
Mon May 22 23:45:24 EDT 2006


I believe the governor's race is Bobby Jindal's for the wanting. I don't
under estimate the stupidity of Louisiana voters, but based on the fact that
Blanco won by the skin of her teeth, her horrible four year record, and
Jindal running on the simple campaign theme of "we have the rare opportunity
to correct the past" - I think Jindal is a sure thing.

Now, having been Walter Boasso's campaign manager for his senate race, I
would love nothing more than to see Walter become governor. In fact I thnk
Walter is easily better govenor material than Jindal. But as a gambling man
I'd have to bet on Jindal. Word has it he is enjoying himself as a U.S.
Representative, but is seriously considering a second run for governor. You
can expect to start feeling vibes from the Jindal's office around February.

Also, Congressman Richard Baker is looking at the governor's race, but he
even knows he has to wait and see what Jindal does. I like Baker and he
does have a good base, but even he can't beat Jindal. The state GOP is
going to go with Jindal if he indicates he's running.

I also like a lot about State Treasurer John Kennedy. I think he'd make a
damned good governor. But he's caught in a numbers game and simply can't
compete in raising money. If Jindal decides not to run, then Kennedy might
have a shot, but it's an uphill climb - a steep one. Former Congressman
Chris John (who David Vitter defeated in the U.S. Senate race) is looking
for a job. You can expect to see his face on some kind of political sign
for state wide office - possible for governor or Lt. Governor against Mitch.

The most interesting thing to watch as it unfolds is the saga of good ole'
Willie Jefferson. Bet ya last buck - he's headed for a federal pen. In the
very least he's out of office come Fall. So now we'll have to keep an eye
on who will start jockeying for his Congressional seat.. I'd look for names
like Oliver Thomas, Cythia Williard-Lewis. Personally, I'd like to see
Paulette Irons run for it, but you don't usually give up a cushy judicial
seat once you've got it.

You can forget Marc Morial taking another shot at it. Recent reports claim
the feds are getting ready to come down on him hard. The other day I saw
Michelle Miller doing a story on CBS News. I can't help but wonder what
will happen to her job once hubby Marc (and brother Jacque) get slapped with
federal indictments - couldn't happen to nicer siblings. If you start
hearing things about Morial stepping down from his post as head of the Urban
League that'll be a sign he knows the feds are about to strike.

Who knows, voters in New Orleans might give Mitch Landrieu a concellation
prize by electing him to Jefferson's seat. Hell, it's happened before.
Sister Mary lost the governor's race, but came back the following year for
the concellation prize to the U.S. Senate. Ahh, Louisiana politics - never
a dull moment, always a laughing stock.

John Scurich

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