[StBernard] Oh No LLC

Westley Annis westley at da-parish.com
Mon May 29 09:03:40 EDT 2006

Warren Campagna is a contractor, and his job is to build or repair, and then
sell those new or repaired properties, whether residential or commercial.
After reading all the complaining about abandoned homes, which are safety
and environmental hazards, I would expect Warren would be commended for his
actions, to clean, repair, and then provide potential housing for those
individuals looking to return to St. Bernard Parish, not to mention the fact
that he is allowing individuals not planning on returning the opportunity to
salvage some monetary gain from their property. No one is forced to sell
their property, they do it by their own choice. If he tries to sell a
repaired/remodeled home site, and his price is out of line with fair market
value, one has the option of simply not purchasing it. Why in the world
would someone criticize a business man that has decided to remain in St.
Bernard Parish, and perform the duties of his profession, as he did prior to
Hurricane Katrina? Warren Campagna is a good friend, a good father, a good
son, a good Christian man, and a professional, and for someone to criticize
him for simply performing the duties of his occupation is unfair. Remember,
God is the sole Judge over the entire human race, and for anyone to judge
another person is blasphemy!! If everyone would focus their energy in a
positive manner, whether that involves helping yourself or others, and stop
the senseless self righteous condemnation of others, everyone, including
yourself, would be better off! Remember, when Jesus was asked what the
greatest commandments were, he stated, "Love the Lord your God with all your
heart, all your mind, and all your soul, and, Love your neighbor as you love
yourself, these are the two greatest commandments." After reading so many
hurtful, vial comments made towards so many others on this web site, and on
NOLA.com, it appears that some individuals need a refresher coarse in Bible

Steve Fecke/ Jubilee Foods

P.S. Bash me if you want also; while I realize I am a sinner as well, God
will be my Judge on my last day, and only His judgment of me is truly
important! I will continue to pray for ALL individuals affected by Katrina,
and ask God to pour His love, mercy, and grace on us all!

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