[StBernard] FEMA closing volunteer camps

Westley Annis westley at da-parish.com
Wed May 31 22:15:16 EDT 2006

I still want to know who got the sweetheart deal of charging $110 per person
per day to feed somebody and let them sleep on a cot? Disney barely makes
that kind of money on room/meals and their cheap rooms are a lot better than
a cot.

I wonder if that is what Jefferson was trying to hide in the blue bag?


-----Original Message-----

FEMA'S pulling out prematurely "before the job is done" is outrageous.
There aren't quite enough volunteers as it is to complete the job. It can be
equated to walking off a construction job before the home is completed,
leaving the occupants in a 'half-a$$" situation.

Yes, it does cost us government money, but any war, any conflict
involvement, any type of assistance should be seen to fruition until it's
certain that the innocent can be self-sustaining. Anything else falls short
of a successful plan. Waiting to see if the 4.2 billion grant would be
passed would be a great sign that a process of steps would be followed and
LA people's lives could remain in some class of order. Don't people in FEMA
read the news or follow these types of affairs which affect the inflicted?


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