[StBernard] Senator Boasso Pulls a Lynn Dean

Westley Annis westley at da-parish.com
Sun Jun 18 22:35:13 EDT 2006

I agree this must mean Sentor Boasso isn't one of the good old boys and he
see whats wrong with the budge process in Baton Rouge. Sentor keep up the
good work.



>Bravo for Senator Boasso. I was proud to be Walter's campaign manager

>and even prouder to see him stand up and fight against a budget bill he

>knows is full of wasteful spending. Yes, Lynn Dean did it as well and

>I agreed with him, too.


>I mean nothing person by this, but still I always thought it to be a

>bit cheesy some of the ads Diana Dysart ran against Dean - which

>indirectly addressed Dean's votes against the state's budget. Her ads

>were of a theme that Lynn Dean voted against improving health care,

>against improving education, yatta yatta yatta - all these points made

reflected the "good"

>things in the state budget - even though Dysart knew the reason Mr.

>Dean voted against the budget bill wasn't because he was against

>everything that was good in the budget, but rather he was against all the

pork spending.

>After all, God forbid someone rock the boat in Baton Rouge and point

>out pork spending in the budget....maybe Louisiana is in the shape it's

>in because everyone in Baton Rouge has "go with the flow" disease.


>Personally, I've never quite understood this "retardism" most

>legislators appear to suffer from in that "if there's just a few good

>things in the budge bill, then you must accept everything else that's

>bad." That's just plain nuts! If a majority of the legislators thought

like Walter and Mr.

>Dean and the budget bill got shot down, does this mean the world as we

>know it and our beloved state comes to abrupt end???? No, the

>legislators simply go back to the drawing board and decide which "bad

>parts" of the budget bill are going to be removed." So, maybe, just

>maybe, voting against the budget bill is good "common sense" step in

>trying to limit wasteful spending in our state. However, I find it a

>dangerous undertaking to mention the words "common sense" and "state

>government" in the same sentence.


>John Scurich

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