[StBernard] Removing your address from the blighted list

Westley Annis westley at da-parish.com
Tue Jul 18 22:23:29 EDT 2006

Sure, ..whereas 'dis and warehouse Wuz, wit howcome dis and forget dat...

Geez, sounds like they're utilizing Polly Boudreaux, the Council Clerk to
write the "user friendly" gibberish that everyone short of the parish
attorney's law offices would have to purchase some type of lawyer software
interpretation program. How is it that things are written to further confuse
an already overpowering situation? Democratically, I vote to depopulate all
parish attorneys and bring in a very educated 6 year-0ld to help people
better understand important issues <grin>..


Has anyone looked at this list on the website? It opens with total


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