[StBernard] debris

Westley Annis westley at da-parish.com
Wed Jul 19 22:50:38 EDT 2006

Good points Deborah,

We discussed the issue of businesses following the requirement to handle
their own garbage- the word is being sent to them. I'll try to get an
article to address the trash issue.

I am hosting a neighborhood civic association meeting this Saturday at 8:30
a.m. at the council trailer or tent, depending on turn out. This is for any
representatives of any neighborhood civic association or residents who may
wish to become part of activiating their neighborhood association or
starting one.

The idea is to really get the residents to take an active ownership in the
neighborhood recovery- would love to have you there.

A district D meeting will follow at 10:00 a.m.

God Bless,
-----Original Message-----
I read where Orleans and Jefferson are reminding their citizens that they
are not to dump anything on public medians and rights of ways. I think St.
Bernard workers have done a fantastic job on the medians starting in Arabi
and I can see progress as they work their way down Judge Perez. One day,
hopefully, they'll receive an edging machine again.

However, we all have to help with this effort. I saw where the food wagon
stand on the north side of Judge Perez near Charles Drive starting putting
their food garbage on the median last week. Why? Why would a business not
contract for dumpster service if the volume of business is more than the
regular garbage service can handle? And why take their garbage off their own
property and just dump it on the median?

Also, for residential neighborhoods like Palmisano, Corrine, DuBouchel,
Colonial, etc. perhaps it is time after nearly a year to stop dumping on the
public medians. While it was very convenient, it was a luxury other
homeowners never had. But there has to be a point at which we start to
return to our former selves and I would suggest to our council to announce a
reminder like the other parishes are doing, that it just has to stop at some
point and give a date, beyond which it is back to illegal dumping that will
be enforced.

Hopefully, with Craig's good news about a public site for residents about to
open, we can bring the debris out of the neighborhoods and businesses as
much as we can do ourselves and there certainly would be no justification
for dumping anything on medians, canal banks, and other public property.

As we approach the height of hurricane season in the next 8 weeks, we all
(residents, businesses, churches, schools ) need to do our part to get our
drains unblocked and get debris off the streets.


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