[StBernard] Road Home property buyouts-what happens

Westley Annis westley at da-parish.com
Thu Dec 28 16:06:06 EST 2006

I would like to join the discussion of the "25% low income housing"
requirement that may be imposed upon Da Parish by the LRA. I have seen a
lifetime of decent neighborhoods comprised of affordable homes go to s****
after the original owners moved and then turned their homes into rental
property. My sister bought into Village De'Lest in N.O.East more than 30
yrs ago when it was a nice neighborhood of working class people. Nuff said.

I have never understood why communities and local govt.s can't pass
ordinances on standards of behavior and cleanliness and hold landlords
(especially absentee) responsible for the enforcement of these ordinances on
the people they choose to rent to. Section 8 shouldn't be a terrifying
phrase since it can be used to help the elderly and decent people too. As
with any other gov't program, it also was allowed to go to s****.
Communities may not be able to control who qualifies for a gov't program,
but can't they enforce ordinances aimed at maintaining standards of
behavior, levels of occupancy and public safety upon the landlords who are
benefiting from these programs? I'm not aquainted with law enforcement or
public govt. but this just seems obvious to me.

I also think that a large portion of the 25% low income housing should be
used for apt. complexes for our elderly citizens. I have seen many
successful examples of small, handicap accessible, efficiency type apts.
that allow senior citizens to live out happily independent lives. Most are
owned privately and most resident expenses are covered by Medicare - I
think. With the proper management, these complexes are kept clean and safe
for the elderly and are a tremendous asset for the community. I have had
many elderly relatives who have enjoyed living in this kind of community in
other parts of La.

Just a few of my thoughts yall,
Linden, TX

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