[StBernard] Field of Dreams

Westley Annis westley at da-parish.com
Sun Mar 18 21:45:17 EDT 2007

Right on target, Ms. Wendy. And to paraphrase someone (ME), One thing we ALL

"You don't want to pi$$ of a St. Bernardian."

Since the storm, as I've previously mentioned: We've gone from evacuees (I
though, was a refuge seeking refuge afterwards only owning wasted property,
one car and the clothes we brought) to Evacuees in 'shock 'n awe' to those
in disbelief/denial, to those of depression/hopelessness/futureless to
Evacuees of anger, then ones of frustration,

..full circle back to depression and doubt of funding being reduced, held up
(some say, as in a robbery) in funds, and it goes on and on psychologically.
In the process, we're physically affected, financially drained..etc.

But to get back on subject, since WHEN has the problem with clean air, etc.
gotten resolved? Ask the Bucket Brigade and other health advocates if all is
well and "fixed"? It's ludicrous to believe that the storm has cleansed the
problem (even if 3 or 4 streets are being "sold off" to Murphy, for
example.) Hell, I had to clean "fallout" from my car 2 miles away on a
regular basis. Does anyone believe we didn't' inhale the good stuff (ie. Mr.


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