[StBernard] MRGO

Westley Annis westley at da-parish.com
Mon Mar 26 22:18:45 EDT 2007

Tim Doody, who sits on the newly created consolidated levee board
representing St. Bernard Parish, asked me to pass this on. Please pass on
to your friends and family.

This is a chain letter, but not in the usual sense. I'm asking that
you forward it on to friends after taking some action. This won't work
unless you really do it. I'm not kidding.

The Mississippi River Gulf Outlet was and is responsible for much of
the devastation from Hurricanes Katrina and Rita. It remains open today as
a navigable waterway. The Corps of engineers can't do anything to close it
until Congress "deauthorizes" it. Unbelievable but true! Our new levee
board passed a resolution yesterday (3/23/07) urging congress to
deauthorize the channel. Sen. David Vitter is supposed to introduce a bill
to deauthorize the "MR-GO" some time this session. This has a short shelf
life - please take action NOW!

Now this is where you come in. Congressmen respond to constituents.
It is necessary to involve as many as possible to contact congressmen in
Washington. It would be sooooooo much better if this message was received
by congressmen in different states. The shipping interests have not given
up on keeping the MR-GO open - even in the face of the devastation and the
future danger.

PLEASE contact 10 friends outside of the state and ask them to
contact their congressmen and express their support for the DEAUTHORIZATION
of the MR-GO and complete closure following deauthorization. They should be
really good friends, friends who you can count on to take some action to
help us out and really, it will help them too. I'm not kidding about this.
If you forward the names to me and have them forward names to you I can
hopefully see this take off and do some good.

This chain letter hasn't been around the world, but if no action is
taken, more people will die. I honestly believe we can make a difference.
Links to the house and senate are below. An email to the congressmen is
fine. Thanks

http://www.house.gov/ <http://www.house.gov/>

http://www.senate.gov/ <http://www.senate.gov/>

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