[StBernard] 7500.00 monies

Westley Annis westley at da-parish.com
Sat Mar 31 18:27:45 EDT 2007


My golden letter had a box to check off and mail back to LRA if I disagreed
with the appraisal value given to my home. They then said you would work
with a resolution team member and send in additional information you might
have, for example a post Katrina appraisal. They are accepting that now. If

you still could not agree on the value then you had the right to appeal
their decision. It also stated that they would send me information about
the $7500 mitigation money at a later date, so I guess I just have to wait
to hear from them on that one. If you still have your letter, read it
carefully to see if any of this is mentioned. If it is not, I would call
the LRA if I were you and ask about this money and how to go about getting
it. If you threw your letter away, call them and ask for a replacement and
tell them you are interested in the mitigation money and that they have
undervalued your home and you disagree with their determination. Hope this


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